Drawing in ideal clients and keeping them hooked. Can it be done? Absolutely! How? By infusing your passion for well-being throughout your entire website. Through photos, colors, shapes, fonts, structure, and content, you showcase who you are as a person and what you believe in, in every corner of your website. These vibes inspire your ideal client, resonate with them, and create recognition. That's when irresistible attraction happens! Don't you want that too?
It gets even better because now you finally dare to proudly showcase your website to the world. And then? You give yourself the chance to grow with your business.
For €3200,- excluding VAT, you'll have a website that works like a magnet.
Extra: Coming Soon page
Extra: Instagram links - link in bio page
1:1 website workshop + recording
Three feedback rounds
A website essence questionnaire
Strategy session
Seven website pages
Desktop and mobile design
Clickable website mockup in Adobe XD
Website on Showit platform
"Wauw, we zijn echt onder de indruk van de website! Het is prachtig ontworpen. Ik had me nooit zo'n mooie website kunnen voorstellen, maar jij hebt het werkelijkheid gemaakt. Dankjewel!"
"Via een holistische fysio website ben ik bij Yoni terecht gekomen. Ik vond dat ze de vibe van holistische zorg erg goed had neergezet. Dit wou ik ook! En het resultaat is top. Erg blij mee! Ik kan haar zeer aanbevelen. Ze vraagt goed uit en voelt goed je behoeftes aan."
“Yoni heeft mijn website ontworpen en daar ben ik enorm blij mee en enthousiast over. Ik liet haar helemaal vrij in het design (op wat voorkeuren qua kleur na) en ze heeft het precies zo ontworpen als ik wilde. Mega aanrader om Yoni in te zetten voor creatieve designs!”
"Fantastisch! Ik ben ontzettend tevreden met het eindresultaat. De lay-out van de website is precies wat ik wilde. Zelfs voordat we officieel openden, hadden we al twee nieuwe leden dankzij de uitstekende branding en website. Echt een aanrader!"
"Wow, we're truly impressed with the website! It's beautifully designed. I could have never imagined such a gorgeous website, but you've made it a reality. Thank you!"
"Through a holistic physiotherapy website, I came across Yoni. I felt that she had captured the vibe of holistic care very well. This is what I wanted too! And the result is excellent. Very happy with it! I highly recommend her. She listens well and understands your needs."
"Yoni designed my website, and I'm incredibly happy and enthusiastic about it. I gave her complete freedom in the design (aside from some color preferences), and she designed it exactly as I wanted. Highly recommend using Yoni for creative designs!"
"Fantastic! I'm extremely satisfied with the end result. The layout of the website is exactly what I wanted. Even before we officially launched, we already had two new members thanks to the excellent branding and website. Highly recommended!"
Or take it to the next level with the 'Full Vibes' package.
We do this together. Because when you ignite me with your enthusiasm during the strategy session, we create a website that reflects this. With this preparation, you can be sure that the website resonates with your target audience and converts. Through the feedback rounds, your confidence will grow that the website will look the way you hope. Want to make adjustments later because your business changes? That's easy peasy. Because we design in Showit and send you videos with explanations. So, you can independently adjust texts, change images and colors, and post a blog later.
Ready to connect with new customers?
What do you stand for and where do you want to take your business? That's the essence of our online or offline conversation. Together, we discover how we can assist you. We also provide guidance on how to best prepare content for your website. If this leaves us both with a good feeling, you'll soon receive a proposal in your inbox.
The foundation of a website that attracts clients goes beyond just choosing a logo and colors. It requires a strong strategy. That's why in this session, we delve into your target audience, goals, brand message, and content structure.
Before we design your website, we need content. What do you want to put on the website? Which texts are essential and showcase your value? With good preparation and advice from our discovery conversation, this is the moment to deliver your content. If you prefer to have your texts written, now is the time to enlist the help of Romee. Looking for a photographer to capture your passion in photos? Then Dominique is your go-to!
This is where our creative design process for you begins, with you watching from the sidelines! With all the information at hand, we start designing the homepage. Then, there's an immediate feedback round, so the foundation is set, and we carry these vibes into the rest of the pages.
Step by step, we're getting closer to the end result. Along the way, we check in with you for feedback. We incorporate the valuable input you provide into the pages, making the final result even better than you imagined.
Woohoo! Your website is ready to attract clients. Now it's up to you to showcase it to the world. Want to launch your brand with an unforgettable online presence? Then enlist the help of Annemijn. To ensure you can independently adjust photos and text later on, we provide you with a 1:1 website workshop. You'll also receive a recording, so you always know what to do with this beautiful website.
Three months after the launch of your website, we'll check in with you again to see how you're doing. Because a lot can happen during this time. Do you have questions? Or are you facing any challenges? Let us know! We'll help you get back on track with tips and advice.
✹ User-friendly: With its simple drag & drop functionality, adjusting your website is a breeze. No hassle with complicated code or technical skills required.
✹ You're in control: You don't need to hire someone every time you want to make changes.
✹ Mobile & desktop friendly: Your website looks perfect on both mobile devices and desktops, ensuring you don't miss out on any customers, regardless of how they access your site.
✹ Time-saving: Showit makes it easy to make changes quickly and efficiently, meaning you have more time to do what you love.
✹ SEO-friendly: With Showit, we optimize your website to rank well in search engines, making it easy for potential customers to find you.
✹ Blogging in WordPress: For powerful and advanced blogging functionalities, we use WordPress, allowing you to effortlessly continue sharing content.
🎁 Click here for the first month free on Showit or use this code: creativevibes
Showit is much more than just a regular drag-and-drop website builder. We strive to create websites that are not only visually appealing but also effortlessly manageable. This means that in the future, you can easily make changes and maintain full control over your website. With Showit, we create creative websites that ignite the fire in your customers and inspire them to take action, truly bringing your brand to life.
Everything is possible, but creating a website involves more than just design. If you'd still prefer to do it yourself but want to skip the technical side, check out our website templates here!
Once our collaboration is over, you'll receive a 1:1 workshop from us. In this session, you'll learn how to step-by-step adjust texts and images. Want to add a blog page later? That's possible, we'll teach you how!
With Showit, you get a beautiful website that you can easily modify yourself if anything changes. We only build with Showit because we believe it's important for you to have full control alongside a beautiful, SEO-friendly website. Want to make a change? You can easily do so yourself!
That's great to hear! We're excited to get started. To begin the process, you can easily contact us through this form. If you'd prefer to first have a personal introduction, you can do so via this link. We're really looking forward to hearing your ideas and preferences. See you soon!